High marks for Refactotum 2GX; next stop Railsconf
Want to know more about just how easy it is to contribute to the many open source projects that you use day in and day out? The Refactotum series is dedicated to showing you how. Coming up at RailsConf in May, Stu, Justin, Rob, and I will be offering up another round of Refactotum open sorcery.
What are people saying about Refactotum? The 2GX crowd was pretty psyched…
Showed how you can contribute to open source even if you don't have a lot of time.
Cool. Time? What’s that?
Very helpful. I'll definitely follow up by contributing to open source projects.
Right on.
Explaining how to contribute to open source is something that is not usually covered and needs to be taught and evangelized.
And even when the network didn’t cooperate…
It turned out to be a giant "pair" programming exercise instead of individual programming and this turned out to be MUCH better. Some of the ideas discussed were really intriguing.
Grab your seat now before they’re all gone. Hope to see you there!