Grails 0.4 hits the street
Grails 0.4 hit the street today. And now that the world has officially yawned at Vista, we need something a bit more interesting to get into. Don't you think? Queue Grails 0.4. It's a solid release with numerous enhancements and new-found extensibility. Check out the official release notes for full details, but here are a few of the heavy hitters...
- Rockin' New Plug-in System - Grails is now easily extensible thanks to the new plug-in system. Can't wait for the dev team to implement the feature you want? Write it as a plug-in, and make it available for others to enjoy as well. We've seen what extensibility can do for software these days, and we've already seen some impressive Grails plug-ins come to life. Even before today's official release of Grails 0.4, a few ambitious early adopters have kindly contributed an XFire plugin (for easily exposing Grails service classes as web services) and an OpenLaszlo plugin (for building Rich Internet Applications [RIAs] with Grails).
- Improved JEE container support - With this release, Grails now runs well on GlassFish. (If you're interested in seeing a quick concept app using Grails and GlassFish, check out Glen Smith's Groogle experiment, which integrates Grails with Lucene.)
- Over 200 enhancements and bug fixes! - This laundry list of improvements includes everything from automatic encoding of unsafe HTML characters - Automatic! Excellent! - to more reliable resource reloading when running in development mode - Ahhh...Productivity!
Download away, and enjoy!